other runs
Attempted another long runs yesterday, and hitting the KLCC park is as boring as ever. Regardless, after the Exxon Mobil building, there was a group doing dance-aerobics, which kept me going faster and faster (dejavu Siemens Run, final 2 km) - running in my shorts past a group of chicks always works...
Again, as per my other previous runs post Syawal, my left knee gave way on the 4th km or so and i started limping. Today, I stopped running immediately and walked for the other 2 km or so. I know I need to start to put in a lot of mileage for the upcoming Penang Bridge. That, and some urut for my lutut.
Total run (Wednesday) - 4.5km - 55 mins (time courtesy of Maxis).
Will limp again soon.