Cupcakes Order, 25 January 2009

We had our biggest single order last week. Kak Zurai is Ogy's neighbour, whom we did ours for the baby shower in December '08. Kak Zurai has gone to order 100 cuppies, and upgraded to 150 pieces for the engagement reception of her daughter on 25 Jan 2009.

It has been about a year since we started this exclusive business (exclusive - made to order only, as we are both working professionals), and it has been a way for me to channel my art (since I have stopped doing fine arts completely for quite some time). It's very interesting seeing me challenging my skills to draw Strawberry Shortcakes, few versions of Spongebob Squarepants, even Ben 10 was a hit, especially for birthday orders.

The designs of the traditional footballs, butterflies etc has long been overtaken by wedding roses and floral motifs, that 'painting' the cuppies has solely been my task, leaving my wife to do the prep works etc etc.

this is probably the easiest and fastest to do, but boleh, lah...

she wanted violet roses, so I figured this could be it

For this particular order, the theme was pink and purple, and her design requirement was pretty simple - "like what you did for the shower...". I did a quick google, and sketched the design in an instant. I waited quite late at night to start, as we want the cuppies to be fresh to the minute.

Thanks, K. Zurai for our generous order. We hope you liked them cuppies.

* N.B. : K. Zurai has already posted an order for a wedding in February. Thanks so much!


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