KLIM Training, 22 and 23/04/09

Tuesday, 22/04/09
There are days when waking up is not an option. Wednesday was one of the day. I decided to skip the gym (strength training), and perhaps go running after work.
By evening, and all those work behind, I rushed to Kepong Metro for a quick 3 miles run. I have missed Tuesday run, so today shall never dissapoint. Changed in the office and drove to the park, reached at 7 p.m., and immediately hit the road.
One quick round, and finished 1 loop(4km) + 800m in 0:24:39. Stretched, picked AJ and went home for some carbo-loading.
Wednesday, 23/04/09
Woke up early, and headed out to the gym for the Strength Training (Week 10). Finished the supersets by 7.10 a.m., and headed out to KLCC.
Closed the 11th loop (14.3 km) just in time for the prescribed 80 mins Goal Pace run. In the office I was sore all over. Tomorrow will be a rest running day.
Looking forward to a long weekend run...


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