We received a surprisingly good news yesterday - wifey is 4 weeks pregnant! OK, not so surprising since wifey told me she'd been 5 days late, so from the smirks-and-tersenyum-simpol face of the nurse, I knew that the result is positive.

Weird thing is, Iris has been telling us she wanted an 'adik' for the past 2 weeks, like everyday, nagging wifey and etc.

Iris is already 4, but I didn't reckon to (really) try until next year. Tapi rezeki Allah, we are very excited. Except that now I am worried sick thinking how to bathe a baby, burp a baby etc since it seemed like a stone-age ago.

The baby is due on 28 April 2010. This baby is the marathon baby, yeah!


kookykash said…
CONGRATS, daddy!
iamsyah said…
thanks kash!
Che said…
been there, done that, oh well, thats what being a father is all bout rite? :P

and congrats!
ian yusof said…
syah ... yeahhhh ... another baby athlete in the making ...:)... congrats bro!
hidayahrodhi said…
abg syah,suruh dia keluar 27 April..nnt boleh sambut besday sama2 dgn sy ( dgn harapan dpt cupcakes lagi..heheh )
hidayahrodhi said…
lupa pulak nak cakap..tahniah!
abang syah,


is that why you called earlier today? i wanna call you back tapi telepon saya sudah kena bar pulak.

congrats again!!! woohoo!
iamsyah said…
che : thanks for stopping by, and thanks. You have 2 kids as well, surely you know how precious they are.

Ian : Thanks, bro... nasib baik tak register for kid's dash in singapore for Iris and Nana...:D

Cik Dayah : akan ditimbangkan usul saudari, tapi saya memang nak ke pejabat anda nnt... tunggu ye, and terima kasih... nnt saya bawak mak buyong pegi bukak puasa monochrome

Ayien : thanks ayien! we are so thrilled! I called you nak cari no hp markonah je.
EnAikAY said…
Congrats Syah!
Hope the mommy and the new baby be in good health, forever!
iamsyah said…
o thanks Nik. Need to practice my baby-burping technique.

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