Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2009 - Registered!

Kalau ikut Runner's World Training Program, I should start right after Adidas (so gruelling!), but perhaps I am still talking in high and denial; this will be interesting! God help me... :P

Registration Confirmation

RACEFull Marathon 42.195 km (Race starts: 5:30 am)

Thank you for registering for the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2009!

A RACE ID (above) has been assigned to you for identification purposes. A copy of this Race Confirmation Slip has been emailed to you.

Registration Details
Full NameSyahril Nizam KamaruddinGenderMale
IC NumberA17603009Birth Date22-Dec-1975
T-Shirt sizeMNationalityMalaysia


kookykash said…
No turning back, Sya! Go, go, go!
iamsyah said…
here I go again... I follow you kash
kookykash said…
I am not ready, Sya!
ian yusof said…
syah - size M tee .... you are small! :)
iamsyah said…
Ian : tu lah, if I keep this form, I could donate all other big vests... thanks to you
tolldoll said…
Urgh, I am having trouble with my registration. I registered for the half marathon on july 27th but so far havent received the confirmation slip. I've called their hotline a couple of times now. This is frustrating.

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