Finally... a start

I finally made it to the park on Wednesday, having swung from my meeting in the city and weather was brilliant.

But the fact that my feet were getting accustomed to the malas-ness resulted to many negative whispers, I thought I ran funny - the socks did not fit as well, the stride felt heavy, etc etc - let alone that breathing was difficult and my mouth was dry and dehydrated. Those aside, I was happy I ran, being among the runners and in the elements. KLCC Park is still the place to run without having people gaping in disbelief at us running while fasting (why not, lah kan) and not tutup the aurat some more...

It was more or less an uneventful run. I was struggling, as expected due to lack of fuel (memang tak bersahur except for cereals and milk). The air passage went dry after the first 2km, but managed to keep on going. But being first time running during puasa, I experienced stomach cramps, and left ankle twist with some old right knee problems nagging away. Besides that, I survived and cannot see why this is not possible to do.

Covered 5.2km, and went home happy as a horse (horses selalu happy ka?) but had to buka puasa with 100+ in the car. No biggy.

Went back, and the sleep was fast and familiar. I was back into my dreamless sleep again. Besok kita tengok if gym and heavy lifting is doable... tapi kena blindfold lah - sebab ramai amoi cun yang seksi.... hehehehe)


ian yusof said…
whatttt???? karipap lost?.......
EnAikAY said…
I noticed many who tried to run during fasting (during day or night) mentioned something about having stomack cramps..
Hmm, i wonder why.
tolldoll said…
I had the stomach cramp too when I ran the first few times. It hurts like never before. Now I know never to skip sahur if you plan to run in the evening!
Anonymous said…
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
iamsyah said…
Ian, karipap lost! once it knows I made them and uli with bare hands, they surrender hands down

Nik : have you got the answers why the stomach cramps? do share...
iamsyah said…
tolldoll : skipping sahur the culprit? susahlaa, cannot sahur lah

Hapi : thanks for stopping by. You have a great day

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