Berenang-renang ke Tepian
I suck at staying home over long holidays. Iris goes to her sitter's and wifey at work, leaves me home alone, opening the kitchen drawers every half hour. Luckily we never stock on junk food, and all I snacked on were fruits and plain water, but boredom is boredom.
Nope, not that I hadn't exercise - I start a day with either a swim or gym, swim in the afternoon when the pool is warm and bright, and mostly runs in the evening. But whenever at home with DVD on, I was like a crazy cockroach! Helpless sungguh. I cannot work from home, lah...
But, yesterday I cracked it! It was as much as I remembered my first 10k run very clearly, I was as jubilant as I swam a full 1km in my pool. What started with a customary 300m went to 500m, and 700m and on and on. Of course I stopped after every 50m, and 25m subsequently after, but as of Feb 18th 2010 - I have broken another first.
What a feeling! I came out of the pool, or rather chased out by the pool boy cleaning it, feeling good. No shoulder pain, no stiff neck. Great!
It is no biggadeal to other swimmer friends out there, who have done triathlons like eating kuaci, but I hope I will get there. I think, swimming, like running, I also need to learn to pace my swim if I want to go long distance. I find my swim is a little sluggish after the 30th metre or so, either by incorrect form, over-flutter in kicks, and/or breathing : which needs a lot of work.
And today, learnt how to do a full breaststroke (the past weeks were merely kicking correctly). Anything with coordination of all body parts - I fail miserably. At the end of the class, I think I might have got it. Kick first, bubble, pull, breath every stroke, and repeat. Practice, practice, practice...
Tomorrow, Ian has invited friends-friends to swim togeder-geder at Bukit Jalil Aquatics, but not without a 20k run at the park, which starts at 6.30a.m. Rasa macam naik pangkat pulak hahaha. I have committed for the swim only, as I plans to run Bukit Aman - Matrade - Double Hills (damn hills) - Bukit Aman. Shuk's SMS came in the afternoon, and later concurred with Diket as well. My lonely run will be with friends after all - it is always cool to run in packs and kill the kms away.
The run will start from Bukit Aman at 6.30a.m., with cut-off time at 8.30a.m. Plusminus 20km in 2 hours? Doable, if I get to ride on Diket's and Shuk's blue calves.
Thinking of another Bukit Aman etc on Sunday, plus the dandy steps at Lake Garden. I have not started any climbs in lieu of the KL Towerthon. For a moment, I felt a hint of greed. Ishh!
Tomorrow i plan to join ian/kash LSD at Bukit jalil, if i got up early enuff and find the way to reach d place. Frankly x pernah sampai Bkt jalil sports complex pun hehehe. Takut sesat barat. Nak join u all at Bkt Aman x confident plaks since takut pressure kene tinggal jauh sgt kat belakang (road running kan). Next time insyaallah can run togeder-geder
Come lah join bukit aman, we all run with each other's pace and never leave any comrades behind
Kash - a long way, but moving nonetheless
Yim - as long as doing it safely, eat well, and find balance... why not, kan?
diket - yup - returned to the carpark in 1:56, boleh la, lepas tu swim, kaki cramped ahahah. No problem bro, the honour is mine. how was the 32k today?