SafariLand : the Calm before the Stampede
I have been having mixed feelings (is it plural?) this past 2 weeks. The past week I was confident I'd not suffer my 5th marathon, but this week I wasn't so sure. I am a little anxious. Mental game kicks at its best, at the wrong time.
I think I run slightly more efficient as compared to 2009's marathon. I have learnt a little more on improving fuel and hydration plan, but still. You ever have a missing feeling after a sleepover, like we suddenly remembered that we have accidentally left our toothbrush, or house keys behind.
Whatever it is, Sunday is inevitable. The progression of the morning prior has already been set and the margin for change is slim to none. The as Beatles would have said it - Let It Be... bring on the karipaps, and run.
Moving forward, I read an interesting topic off Dean's 50/50 book about running green. The big picture about global pollution aside, I think we should do our micro part to practice running green.
This SCKLM, we could all play a part. As the saying goes, 'baby steps add up'. These are what we could do (please feel free to share more if you have);
a) bring collapsible cups for your pitstops (embodied energy for the plastic white cups are very high, as well as costs being translated into our running fees) - Ian, where did you buy yours?
b) bring your own hydration, and keep the bottle. Reusable bottles are better than mineral water bottles.
c) car/motorcycle-pool to races/trainings whenever necessary (this is kind of hit-miss due to personal appointments and locations)
d) don't sweat over finding the closest parking spot to Dataran if you are already late. Just park wherever, and do your warm-up lap/walk to the starting line
e) sleep early, plan your time and do not wake up late for your run. Speeding increases gas emission and making you pay more for you fuel too (and if not lucky - speeding tickets too)
RW posted an article on racing motivation and aptly to those racing for a PR this time around.
IGNORE NEGATIVITY If you hear someone groaning about how hard the course is, tune it out. That person probably didn't train as much as you did.
EXPECT SOME PAIN Your legs and lungs will burn. Have a "bring it on" attitude, says Cole. Remind yourself that you wanted this: The challenge of pushing yourself to achieve something new.
HAVE A BACK-UP You wake up with a migraine or to a heat wave. Move on to Plan B—another goal that's more realistic, but something you'll be proud of.
As Dean Karnazes would have put it blindly;
"Live as though as every step, every breath, is a precious gift. Push yourself relentlessly and learn to tolerate untold amounts of pain. Die trying"
OK, I do not want to die while running (hahah!), but it is true when they say that he who suffers remembers. This will be a matter of mind-over-miles, and I'll play the agony of my previous marathons and try to put them behind me and rise above it... :D.
To all comrades, the very bestest of luck this Sunday, irregardless of the distances, and do enjoy your runs. Maintain good posture and stretch (on warm muscles) to avoid injuries, eat and hydrate well.
Let's meet up for ice-cream post marathon :)
p/s Good luck! May we all achieve what we aim for. 5th marathon? wow!
p/s - I plan to park in the compound of Masjid Negara. Last year still have ample parkings though came around 5.50 am.
Doc : agreed. let us enjoy ice cream with karipap
Ziff : masjid negara kalau parking belakang sangat, gelap ooo..., aku tak suka gelap2 ni...
Syah : post marathon ice cream sounds good..
Doc - mesti ada... one of our fav too... refreshig kan, after long run :D
ziff - thanks bro! you too! ok ke parking situ? menarik jugak, nak balik pun senang :)
Ijam - apa ni, your reputation dah nak kena rampas :) and let's do the ice creams :D
p/s. Cara Ijam komen macam dekat blog sendiri daaa... :D
Syah & Diket : hero kalah dulu, dan kalah kemudian..dan kalah lagi...ha, ha..
Diket - kat simpang ke, kat bawah pokok?
Ijam - hahahahh... cuba lagi dan cuba lagi
MJ - thanks... tadi I thot nampak ur car kat titiwangsa, tapi dah nak rush pegi meeting :) see you sunday?