Life's a Peach

It is very rare to find a quality 10k on any given weekday nowadays. What was an easy 3x/week irregardless of speed, intensity or else, they are now sorry 5k runs. Paraplegic? I'd say.

It is 3 weeks post Sundown, and I am somehow re-addicted to caffeine. No strong coffees yet, but morning engines won't start without some hot Nescafe, or I'll get sluggish by the minute. Between yawns and tight deadlines which spreads to January 2011, the term 'keep plugging away' is an understatement, what with other family and recreational activities alike. Is this fatigue?

I miss lots of speeds and hills. That will not be pretty come SCKLM in 2 weeks.

Have you ever been in a situation when you wanted to run, drove all the way to find out that you have left the shoes at home? Or towel, undergarments, shorts etc when you reached the gym?
Have you ever been to the house pool to find out that it's way too crowded with people crossing from all directions? Or it started raining?

Yeah, life is like that.

Or, have you ever felt ever so der malas, but found yourself standing next to the park, and gears all ready, and you started running? Or found yourselves having a meeting very close to a public pool, and you go for a dip to while away the peak traffic?

Yeah, life is fair.

OK, doing a 10.1k today...


ian yusof said…
yeah, life is very fair. However, if it turns out to be unfair, I have a person to blame it on and that is ME.
have a good run!
kookykash said…
have a good run syah. Unfortunately June is a month of malas-ing. It's school holidays. One of the reasons I will not run a June marathon.
IJAM said…
good to be back in kl.
EnAikAY said…
Welcome to the M-club!
iamsyah said…
Thanks Ian - we will always blame ourselves :)

Kash - nape eh? SCKLM too close post Sundown lah... liat rasanya

Ijam - mana lu pegi? scuba kat Perhentian ka?

Nik - mana nak register? ada diskaon ka?
Unknown said…
Shah, penah dulu gi gym, but selalu frust... forgot the socks la, shorts la, ada 1 time tu bwk sebelah jer stokin, boleh??
Che said…
left my handphone at home and need to find a working payphone. haha.. is it something like that? :P
Diket said…
Body is trying to tell you something bro. You might need to listen to it sometimes. Define malas & fatigue. Or you can tepuk dada, tanya selera.

I've been squeezing only one run on weekdays. No regrets. Come weekend lsd, kita enjoy. Today, Karate Kid at 6.15 :)
iamsyah said…
zaki - memang selalu. one time, pegi gym, tuka baju, takde kasut... so what to do? masuk la kelas yoga hahaha

che - hahah, boleh :)

diket - sometimes I'm thinking whether I'm biting off more than I can chew, lah. tapi mesti mau enjoy.

King Lanun ajak 35k sabtu nih... waaaaaa
Anonymous said…
I'm worst. I dun even know who's blog I'm commenting anymore. I thot this was Nik's.

Yeah, I'm ultimately very malas now. Sundown took everything.
IJAM said…
kelantan. Tak tau apa nak tulis dlm blog lah...
reading others je..
Viva said…
What is "irregardless"? Is there such a word?

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