No Wet Suits!

Simply inspirational! This kid could have swam Kapas - Marang and back, and more. Swim Ironman distance? - merely karipap mini in packs!

On another note, 2011 starts early with my first race registration for Safra-Singapore Biathlon 2011. This is already mind-numbing, but I am excited to see this through.

We bring NSmen closer together

Dear Syahril Nizam Kamaruddin,

Thank you for using SAFRAOnline. We are pleased to inform you that your online transaction is
successful. Booking details are as follows.
 Click here to print   Please print this receipt as a reference.
Receipt No.IN003127010Date/Time21-Dec-2010 09:48:29
NIRCA17603009Amount Paid$58.00
NameSyahril Nizam KamaruddinMode of PaymentVISA Credit Card
Email<0 Pts

Time to be BFF with the pools.


June Malik said…
Wahh!! Good luck, memang Ada harapan do a tri event soon :)
Yimster said…
All the best syah! Make us proud :D
IJAM said…
aik? singapore lagi? kat malaysia ni tak best lah, tak banyak event2 mcm ni
kookykash said…
syah, we can meet kids like Firman during Kapas swim. Their time? Less than 2 hours for Kapas swim.

All the best in your training.
iamsyah said…
KJ - insyaAllah... apa saja unuk kurusss... kecuali ubat dan dadah :P

Yim - aiyoh, rasa macam kontinjen negara pulak :) thanks Yimster!

Ijam - aku rasa kita pindah JB le macam Kak June... wiken je naik bas SKS masuk Singapore hehehe. Tapi kita sapu PD lah nnt

Kash - Thanks Kash - we meeting the kids at Kapas? hehehe, not so soon, ie 2011 I hope hahahhaah. Tapi PD next month, yes?
kookykash said…
yes, PD next month. of course. let's pray for good weather. I cant wait.
Diket said…
Biathlon dah jadi celah gigi je ni. Teruskan prestasi unggul bro. Bila la aku nak berenang macam kau ni? :)
iamsyah said…
Kash - Nik, Jaja wants to join too. Are we getting Eric to host the swim?

John - sungguh!

Diket - bukan celah gigi bro, celah pedal pun belum lagi... ni nama nye prestasi tunggul! jom kita join Deo belajar ngan Luvis?

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